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Senin, 10 Oktober 2011

Percikan Pemikiran Anak Bangsa


By: Dr. Agussalim Andi Gadjong, SH., MH

Law norm that regulates the life of the society mentioned as the rule of law that function as a guide in creating rules for the society. The law system contains norms (rules) as a guide (reference), both individually and in groups that identifies the command (coercive) and prohibition (regulator), the following sanctions. Commands and prohibitions interpreted as a form of agreement that was created, in regulating the interaction that can be become as literature in the governance of life overall. While the sanctions are intended as a reward (punishment), to every person (group) who do not obey (follow) the rule. Reward as a consequence that emerged from the approval of the rule of law, and at the same sanctions contained in the rule of law is the psychological motivation in the acts or omissions.

Human activities in society, controlled by various rules and social norms. It includes the rules (norms) that shaped the rules of life, that guide (the guide) in society interact. Analyzes the rules of life is based on practical reason and social phenomena of society, which is derived from moral norms. Validity of moral norms in the interaction between society with nature and a society with other society, developed into a legal norm, after formulated in formalistik by the state.
Legal norms that control (regulate) the procedures Of society life in their interaction, called to as the rule of law. Rule of law functio as a guide or a guide in creating rules for the society to interact. The law system contains norms (rules) as a guide, reference guide for all members of society, both individually and in groups. Procedures of this law in its application, contains a provision command (coercive) and prohibition (regulator), the following sanctions. Commands and prohibitions interpreted as a form of agreement that was created, in regulating the interaction that can be become as guidelines as a whole in the governance of social life, so that the rights and obligations that arise can be accepted by the whole society. While the sanctions are intended as a reward or a reward (punishment), to any person or group who does not obey (follow) the rule. The Fee or reward , as one of the consequences which arise from the approval of the law system, and at the same sanctions contained in the rule of law is the psychological motivation of acts or omissions.
The development of validity of this law, experience debate among the juris and non-juris to the present. The debate that emerged can be sides of formalistic and materialistic forms. Side formalistic unspeakable in context: whether the legal system, how to determine the form, who is able to make, what kind of shape, how its shape in order to be obeyed. While the materialistic side (substance) formulated in: how to command and its prohibition, how sanctions are, who is entitled to impose sanctions, to whom it applied, where obtaining the rule.
Questions that arise in the debate, to be answered solely by the rule of law. This is regarding with the accountability rule, in the form of the rule of law in the validity in the midst of society. Answering the question, could not only with a simple argument, but requires deep analysis and assessment. One way is to enter the door of philosophy that is able to give reasons for what, why and where something is obtained (introduced). Reflections on the study of philosophy is necessary, because these questions has implications for the rule of law which should be in the social life of the society, both individual and group interaction. Reflections on the philosophy of this law, by itself begun on aspects of legal theory thought, that question the law should legally and in reality. Systematic legal theory related to the philosophy and politics.
The law theory was inspired by the manifestations of human desire in order to live. This desire is not formulated merely formally, but also must contain an assessment of morality. The formal desire framed in written law (positive), while moral judgments is a form of unwritten rules, which always live and thrive in the society conscience. Law Theory thinking background conception of human relationships and human interaction with the environment.
Task of law theory is formulate effort to make clear the values of law and the postulates,, until the basics of his philosophy is most deeply. While on the other hand, trying to give a systematic picture of the positive law as a common phenomenon in society. As well as in the search for causal relationships (cause and effect) between their respective law that caused symptoms in the society, the basic principles of a positive law.
Applicability of law as act of causality (cause and effect), leads to understand the meaning of the function and purpose of law in social life. Purposes of the law formulated to guide humans in recognizing the meaning of life, interactions among, and within the broader relationship again. The beginning of human understanding of the law, is oriented on the side of justice in the soul (spirit) natural. Law is justice, and justice is the purpose of the law alone, which developed in the mystical system of transcendental philosophy in space metaphysics. Metaphysics always in the aspect of proof, withdrew from the aspect of verifying the truth of the facts.
Transcendental philosophy-mysticism in his teaching, co-opting independent reason (ratio) of human. Validity does not involve law in the sense (ratio) independently. Law in this form, find the ideal formulation within the teachings of Natural Law. Everything comes from nature and the religious message, the following symbols will its absolute alignments. Human in thinking, influenced by the symbolic meaning of nature and religion. Law is perceived with the symbol of nature's and paintings of religious absolutes, without being able to touch the primacy and independence of will intellect (ratio) of human.
Stigma purpose of the law to achieve absolute justice (absolute justice), then elaborated on the formalistic side. Formalistic move in the space of legal certainty as the purpose of the law. purpose to achieve law certainty, the system taught in philosophy of rationalism and empiricism. Philosophy of rationalism and empiricism are dissatisfaction antithese human ratio, will be something that is abstract and unreal.
Independence reason (ratio) of human introduction, as antithesa saturation will restrained value logic abstraction. The abstract logic regarding the awesomeness of nature in the embrace of religious messages of scripture (religious teachings) against life and the nature of human life. restrained released with the evolution of thinking that uses logic, which comes from the empowerment of reason (ratio) to identify themselves and nature.
Independence (freedom) retrained sense of morality and religion, welcomed the birth of a new philosophical system. This new philosophy, to reduce some of the basic concept of transcendental philosophy-mystical teachings. Absoluteness-religious nature and immateriality thought marginalized, by the ability of evolutionary reason (ratio) in identifying themselves and the natural life. The evolution in the development of the ability of your intellect (ratio), accompanied the birth of philosophical empiricism, rationalism, idealism, and concretevism, Ability reason (ratio) human made sources, to understand and investigate the nature of life. While law norms, framed in the formalism of rules. Formalism the rule, not give in to the system of philosophy that natural phenomena and resigned to his stagnasian religious teachings.
Early evolution of thought is marked by the birth of the Renaissance, as the beginning of enlightenment and refreshment ratio in meaning of life. Norm (law procedures) inspired philosophy of empiricism, which requires the existence of a rule that is real and concrete. The purpose of the law is no longer solely the pursuit of abstract justice, but elaborated in achieving a permanent law certainty, real and concrete.
Law certainty in a rule that is interpreted as having the character of force, and the birth of a sovereign order of social organization. Law as a spirit of power, in implementing the policies issued stigma as a means of force, to monopolize the society in the attachment. Monopoly by means of this force, aims to restructure the significance of interaction between people with ideals and purpose of the state. Finally, goals and objectives of the state, in sync with the meaning of human life, which is framed in the prosperity, security, safety, welfare and human life in the state.

Beginning in the nineteenth century as a century in the evolution of development thinking, based on increasing human awareness of the power (strength) will be the ability of the ratio (reason) alone. The human mind loose from the bonds of religious ideology alone, and no longer seen as a manifestation of the mind of God (manisfested in religious teachings). Reason (ratio) human regarded as the sole source of science (law) in evolution. The evolution of this thinking, as an early commencement of empirical inquiry in thinking about the principles (norms) the law at the level of philosophical idealism. Idealism is the continuity of rationalism philosophy of Kant, who sees an idealistic legal theory based on the principle of humans as rational beings and human development as ethical and spiritual subjects.
Philosophical idealism in the concept of development, of reason (ratio) and human identity as a source of knowledge. In addition, the philosophy of idealism become one of the foundation stone of the bridge the flow of the birth of Positivism Law. Law Positivime birth (XIX century) on the answer to the concept of Natural Law will dissatisfaction (Ages XVII-XVIII), which confine and imprison ratio (common) human in his expression. At the start of his birth in the Renaissance (at the end of XVIII century), where the ratio (reason) human into the center of the investigation in the development of human coutum and investigation of the universe. Fositivism as ideology of philosophy of the nineteenth century, inspired by Kant's philosophy which has three branches (sociological, juridical, and the flow of public law).
The basic principle of teaching Philosophy Positivism, the view that positive science is the science that can only teach the reality (the reality in public life); science devoted to the observation (through empirical investigation) to recognize the regularity of law; deny all knowledge that can not be investigated by sensory ( try to stay away from aspects of abstraction that can not be scientifically verified.) The basic concept of philosophy posivism in its development, touching the development of law science.
Postivisme philosophy here, not directly the flow of law positivism is commonly known in the Philosophy of Law and Theory of Law, but philosophy of positivism in a flow to all areas of science studies. Conceptually and methodologically, teaching Philosophy Positivism has not specialized to assess and positively develop jurisprudence. Philosophy of Positivism in the implementation, investigate the development of human civilization and the sciences who investigate the universe. Auguste Comte, as one of the foundation stone of Philosophy Positivism introduce the conception of three stages. The conception of three stages include, thoughts teonom (theocracy), natural law thinking (philosophical), thinking positive law. This conception allowed to explore science in a philosophical system, to interpret human thought in the evolving sense (ratio).
Philosophical system of positivism developed the doctrine, that only true experience, as can be ascertained in reality through science, so it can be determined that something is a fact (truth). Similarly, in the investigation of science, the tendency is based on facts that can be observed by the senses. Regularity of law that can be found in the facts, being the only object in science. Positivistic legal theory, based on the fundamental (basic) rules (rule) the law itself, without involving the rules of outside non-legal (ethics, politics, economics). This theory assumes that the law is relevant only with positive law. The method used in its implementation, not touching  good intention or bad, the effectiveness, enforceability and admissibility rules in society.
From the development of Law Science in the nineteenth century, supported by the development philosophy of Idealism and Flow Legism, give the feel of its own, distinct from the doctrine taught by the flow of Natural Law. Implementation of the concept of law (rule of law) in managing the interaction of society, tend to abandon the doctrine of the awesomeness of nature, religious sanctity, and stabilize sense. The value of justice who is familiar with the value of abstraction in the absolute law purposes of the doctrine of Natural Law School, began to be abandoned because it can not satisfy a sense of society laws. People are starting to look for another formula (new), both from the method of implementation and substance of the purpose of applying the law itself.
Implementation of law in society, not to achieve justice but should also provide certainty. Law certainty is expected to become the society guidelines, and rules for law enforcement agencies in taking a decision. Law began introduced (perceived) formally in the form of formalistic, in tune with the development (progress) theory of state sovereignty in the state. Conception (form) this law formalistic, to respond juridical doctrine Comte Positivism. The teachings of this Comte, Positivism Flow framed in Law in the history of the development trajectory Law Science, Philosophy of Law and Theory of Law.
This school was born from several causes, among other things: First, the development of the doctrine of Natural Law which is used as a guide humans in interaction between human and human, human with the natural surroundings, people increasingly are not satisfied with the state. Natural Law in the doctrine put forward the doctrine that is highly abstract, making it very difficult to enforce the rule of law in the morality of public life.
Second, the doctrine of absolute justice as a purely law purposes, it is very difficult to implement because it can not guarantee a certainty in the decision or solve problems (cases) that often occurs in the midst of society, so the feeling of community laws are often not satisfied . Application of the rule of law, from case to case did not get a fixed having the character of law certainty. So in terms of conception, the doctrine of Natural Law is ideal, but in terms of implementation is very difficult because it has rules that are very abstract.
Third, the concept of Natural Law doctrine is familiar with the awesomeness of nature and religious sanctity, no room for humans in developing ideas and thoughts of understanding of self. As a result, reason (ratio) in recognizing the human self and the universe, can not function properly. The desire in the mind evolved naturally covered by the doctrine and religion. The rule of law put forward in its enforcement in the midst of society, comes from nature and doctrines (teachings) of religion, which is no place for creative reason (ratio) humans in determining (a) rules of law that can be used as guidelines or guidance for people in their interaction.
Fourth, along with the will of the people (humans) in limiting the arbitrariness of the king (ruler) who has absolute power. As is often reflected in the phrase, saying the king is the law, the king is law, the king has absolute immunity applicable law. From thus conditions, the presence of law positivism, giving limits on royal power in the management of the state (government), and provide protection to the people from arbitrary authority.
Fifth, in line with the development of theories of state doctrine, which in the nineteenth century developed the theory of state sovereignty. State Sovereignty theory provides a justification for the authorities to draft a law that aims to arrange the social life, in addition to providing guidance to all levels of society in interaction, so the spatial interaction of the ideal created in the frame the rules thoroughly.
Of the few things that underlie it, was born Flow Positivism Law, which is the result of elaboration of the conception of Natural Law School. Law Postivisme flow develops two main sub-stream basic concepts, namely: Flow Analytical Jurisprudence spearheaded by John Austin as outlined in his work (book) The Province of Jurisprudence determined and Lectures on Jurisprudence (developed further by HLA Hart), and the Doctrine law Pure spearheaded by Hans Kelsen in his Pure Theory of Law (developed further by Dworkin).
Analytical teaching basic concepts developed by John Austin in the flow of Positivism Law, can be understood (understood) in a few basic conception of teaching. First: law conceived (interpreted) as "Law is A Command Of The Law Giver" or as a command (command-bevelstheory theory) of the ruler who holds supreme power and sovereignty (authority). Law as a command that force, can only be fair (wise) or vice versa.
Second: the law in terms of nature, conceived (perceived) as a logical system, is fixed and is closed (closed logical system). Law decisions and correct, obtained from pre-established rules and without regard to (involve) the elements outside the law, which strictly separates law from morality (which is related to justice), because the moral is not law necessary for the law despite having an influence on society. The law does not consider and assess the good and bad thing, because outside the field of law studies.
Third: good law and in fact, is a law that contains rules of orders, penalties, liabilities, and sovereignty. Basic legal norms are, as compiled by the makers of the Act, as something that must be accepted by society.
While the conception of law that was introduced Hans Kelsen in his Pure law teachings, can be understood (understood) in the three main concepts. First: the conception of law in a methodical. The concept of law enforcement should approach normatife and clean method of non-juridical elements, such as sociological, political, historical, and ethical. Separating law from elements of ethics, means keeping the law of judgments about good and bad. Separation law sociological elements, means of positive law view that the laws that live and thrive in a society is not so important. The law is always a positive law, contained in the regulations, because the question what is actually legal, and not how it should be. Legal science is science, not the will or desire, are born of hypothesis will and human reason.
Second: the conception of positive law is the law that should (sollenkategoris / ius constituendum) is not the law as a fact (sein categorical / ius constitutum) .61 Law Science is a normative science, which lies in the fact that the law is made and written by human actions. A scientist can not legally work in the field of sollen (should have) with the construction of the world thought sein (existing) or vice versa. World sein non-applicable rules of causality (cause and effect), but accountability.
Third: the conception of law in the doctrine of "Stufentheorie". Norm basis of a rule of law is the supreme rule of the rule of law as the fundamental rules of governance norms of positive law. Besides teaching pure law, Kelsen instrumental in developing "Stuffentheory" which was further developed by Adolf Merkl (1836-1896). This theory saw the law as a system consisting of a composition norms (rules) in the form of a pyramid. Something the rules are considered valid, because it is based on another rule higher. Rules higher, based on rules that are higher again referred to as "grundnorm" (the basic norm) that can not be transferred again to the rules that are much higher. Norm lower got strength from a higher norm. The higher the norm then the more abstract, and the lower the norm, the more concrete (real)
Postivisme enforceability of Law in the basic concept, know the law of the form of positive law made by the ruler (the sovereign). Law separated from the norm (rule) outside the rule of law, because it would interfere with the real legal meaning. Law learned from the juridical form, as a formal form separated from the rule-the rule of law materially. Rule of law is not viewed as material science of law.
Legal norm (the rule of law) be perceived as a binding rule, because it comes from the ruler (the sovereign). So validity is sein formulation or ius constitutum (real rules) is not sollen or ius constituendum (rules that are supposed to be). Tangible and concrete norms in human experience in law called the formalistic frame. Legal Postivisme get a more concrete formulation of Hart. Hart as the successor of Austin's command theory.
According to Hart, that the characteristics of positivism contained in current law, namely: a) the law is the command of human (ruler of a sovereign); b) there is no absolute relationship between the law with morality or applicable law (sein / ius constitutum ) with the law should (aspiratined/sollen/ius constituendum); c) the law as a closed system of logic and do not pay attention to social goals, political and moral dimensions; d) elements of the non-legal outside set aside because they could not be proven based on logical arguments (ratio).

The basic concept of law positivism is antithesa of development of natural law that develops and reaches its peak in the XVII century - XVIII, which decreased at the time of entering the renaissance era. The concept of Justice as the objectives and main functions in the application of law, which is presented by the followers of the teachings of Natural Law, is very different from the Concept of Law Certainty put forward by the adherents of Law Positivism XIX century. Concept of Law Certainty, of the doctrine (teachings) The flow of Law Positivism always tried to separate the la concepts of elements, other elements discussed outside the law.
Although the concept of the purpose and primary function of law certainty of Positivism Law, in essence is one of appreciation from the previous law concept, popularized (presented) the flow of Natural Law. However, in its development Postivism Law School, also touched the development of the concept of justice, but the concept of justice that comes out of the spirit of justice itself. Justice is not able to follow the sense of justice that grow and develop in society.
The concept of law that developed was the law written (codified) as positive law, so can not be changed at any time. While the sense of justice and the needs of the society will use the rule of law in its application to be absolute. Changes that occur in society brings with it a direct change in the function and purpose of the law desired by the community.
Of dissatisfaction, people (society) trying search formulations appropriate to the development of human civilization, and the need for ordinary law-order corresponds to the basic needs of the rule of law in the midst of the society interact. These changes in the development of la science entry in the resurrection of the doctrine of natural law which does not separate the law from the elements of non-law. Resurrection of this natural law, by itself is not in the form of natural law and conventional style.
Formulation of a new law doctrine as an answer to the basic concepts of dissatisfaction Positivism Law, classified in the School of History and the doctrine of Utilitarianism, which tend to combine some of the concept of natural law and some of the concept of legal positivism. The meaning of the dissent, gave birth to some criticism of the basic concepts of the Doctrine Positivism Law in its development.
First: Thomas Aquino view, that although the flow of law positivism was born from the evolution of mind (human ratio), but can not escape the influence of Natural Law School. Human made positive laws is born or created (derived) from lex naturalist, which is part of the lex aeterna that can be captured and understood by humans as beings that have a ratio. Positive law will lose its power, if contrary to Natural Law. Positive law is a vehicle for justification of Natural Law, the validity of positive in the midst of society.
Second: John Chipman Gray as adherents of Pragmatic Legal Realism Flow criticize the views of Kelsen on the pure Law Theory. Law is not as contained in the Act, but rather what is contained or done in practice justice and law enforcement agencies other.  Indescribable law of the behavior of officials (police, prosecutors, judges and other law enforcement officers), and the law can not escape the influence of outside non-legal, such as political, sociological, psychological, and other elements.
Third: Austin as one of the pioneers (adherent) law positivism, sometimes not consistent in concept by Thomas Aquino. According to him, law can be derived from God to human and made human himself, who called the Positive Laws are made by authorities such as law and law made by the people individually. Indicators used to measure the qualifications of a law rule is a sovereign ruler, so that it can distinguish the actual laws and laws that are not true.
Fourth: Austin's command theory forwarded by Hart, received sharp criticism. The law here equated with the concept of Thomas Hobbes, that he who is stronger then that is what wins (in power) in the context of a society. Authority in issuing rules having the character forced to obey, shall be equivalent to a robber (robbers) who forced his victims to obey his will.
Fifth: While Fichte Austin command supports the theory that comes from the state, and assume that moral obligation is a law obligation, while Austin considers that the law obligation derived from the carpenter's command and force the law itself.
Sixth: In addition, Hart is also less agree with some of the arguments put forward Kelsen. First, that a law rule can contain anything what origin in accordance with stelsel Grundnorm, according to Hart that an edge condition rule have natural necessity that can not be excluded when forming the rules. Second, the enactment Grundnorm was accepted in the science of law, but can not be proven in reality according to Hart. This way of thinking in modern times during the period of enlightenment, rationalistic and individualistic nature. In rationalism departed from the general ideas that apply to all men, for then applied in humans individually. How to think so, provide empirical investigation and get to choose almost a fixed position in thinking about law principles, which ultimately developed in the philosophy of idealism. Idealistic philosophy (idealism) to review laws that are based on the principles of human existence as a creature that has a ratio (reason) and ethics, which is different from the philosophy fositivistic in view of law based on issues, the law itself, without involving the non-aspect law.
Seventh: The L. Fuller, that in view of law positivism, the higher law can be trusted in justice, but one should not mix the belief that in the implementation of the law, because it will come out of the rule according to the science of law. So what is understood as law, is a recognized, established and announced by the state as law. From this view clearly shows, without any absolute law position unassailable, and all applicable definitive without any hesitation. These aspects lead to debate, if equalized between Natural Law with Postivism Law, concerning the validity in the midst of society. Rationalistic natural law, assume that the enactment of positive law based on the value of the contents of law rules, whether the content and norms of a law rule in accordance with the laws of the ideal comes from the norm (moral) who live in the society.
Eighth: The view of natural law is opposed by the adherents of positivism, that such a view is incorrect and not good, because it would have violated a decision which has constant (definitely).  positive la effect of a rule, is a real implementation of regulations by the authorities and according with the applicable law system. From its purest form, that law positivism is a school of law theory seeking to understand the applicable law solely for himself, and refused the slightest assessment of the decision regarding the law regulations.
Ninth: Kant in his Kategorische Imperative arguments, against the basic concept of positivism about the absolute separation of law and morals. Kant assumes that there is no difference of principle between Law and Morality, because only in the space of human motion, the law having the character having the character of the external and internal morale.
Tenth: While on the study of law, Kant did not agree with Austin and Kelsen. Kant's view the law in the study is the law that should, and should not question the law and the law in reality. Others with Austin and Kelsen sees, that the law in the existing law is not law should be. Neo-Kantianism was born as a reaction against positivism flow at.19 century, who based his views on the philosophy of idealism with the critical methods developed by Kant, after experiencing a reduction method of analysis.
Eleventh: While Stamler supports the concept of closed and permanent doctrine of law positivism. According to him, the law must be having the character of formal (shape) and the universal, means must be independent of experience or reality of social change.
The twelve: Elements of Sovereignty and command of the basic concepts of law positivism teachings, received sharp criticism from the School of History and Jurisprudence Sosiological. Law adhered (adhered to) by humans because of the law itself a sovereign (the theory of law sovereignty), and human is not obliged to comply with the law, but based on his own conscience because of the willingness with regard to moral values. So the law regardless of the value of sovereignty and command.
Thirteenth: Von Savigny criticize Law Positivism in the form of formal concept (codification). Codification of law always brings with it a negative effect, ie inhibit the development of the law. The history of human civilization lesson continues, but the law has been codified that are difficult to be changed to follow the development.
Fourteenth: Utrecht support of law certainty as a goal in the basic concepts of law positivism. He said that the only decision to make a fully law certainty, the law having the character as a tool to achieve law certainty. Law as a symptom of the power to reach a certain position in applying the law of definite and fixed.

Effort in teaching the basic concepts understand Law Positivism, not apart from ideolgy standpoint, the flow and understand that followed. Adherent (pioneer) law positivism in the Philosophy of Law and Law Theory, it is very difficult to put it right. This is caused by the inconsistencies of each course of the flow (sect) within uphold the basic principles that its follower. Both in terms of methodology, substance, and in its functional aspect.
As in the concept of how humans (people) obey the law?, From which the norms of that law, so that it can bind everyone?, Who is entitled to make and provide sanctions?, How your goals and functions of the ideal law?. Such questions, it is very difficult to sort out which opinions (views) the right law experts and flow which can solve (answer) the question is conprehensive, so it can satisfy everyone, and can apply universally.
So in the development of law science, which became the object of analysis Philosophy of Law and Law Theory back to the expression, that no one is having the character of permanent teaching. Permanent meant here is, that the basic concept of a school (school) as well as the experts, developed along with logic development, environment or where applicable, maturity and quality of analysis from the perspective of where they see the law that
Thesa formulation which ultimately resulted antithesa born sinthesa, always also applies in the development of thought in the Philosophy of Law and Law Theory. From antiquity to modern times today, yet none of the basic concepts of each school (flow), which is absolutely unacceptable. Neither the opinion (view) law experts, no one can give (express) a theory that can help them handle all the people, all countries, whenever and wherever.
Finally, the development of law science to evolve in accordance with the axis of civilization and human needs, which leads to the need for a law rule that is never satisfied. The development of law scientists thought, always accelerates the natural phenomenon, the urge of conscience, and in the search type (shape) rule that was never ideal found. Eventually lead to the method of searching, searching, and search using the methods and scientific analysis to solve the mystery of human identity and nature that was never found.
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